Saturday, November 7, 2009

No H1N1 Vaccine Yet at ESP -- Though May Be Available Through CCDPH

As all of you well know, we unfortunately have still not received the H1N1 Vaccine. Although we were initially told when we ordered it that we would have our doses in early November, this does not appear to be the case. We know you are all worried and frustrated, and we are as well. We have contacted various sources in the media to express our anger, and there was a brief article detailing our concerns in the Chicago Tribune today, if you are interested.,0,3003622.story

More importantly, however, is the fact that we are still not sure when we will receive the vaccine. We would like to again emphasize that if you have the opportunity to have your child vaccinated against H1N1 at school or a public health office, we recommend that you do so!! It is also possible that some of the local area pharmacies will receive the vaccine before we do, and that you will be able to get your child the vaccine at these locations. Like us, however, they were told they would have their doses by now, and they do not either.

It is still possible, as detailed in the last newsletter, to attempt to schedule an appointment to receive the vaccine through the Cook County Department of Public Health. Some of our patients have been able to get vaccinated this way. Once again, to do this, please use the following resources (note that although we are located in the NORTH district, it may be faster to call one of the other district numbers to schedule -- that is a tip i received from one of our savvy patients!):

As always... thanks for reading and stay healthy!!!
- esp

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