- Some of you may have read or heard on the news that certain lots of Thimersol-free H1N1 injectable Vaccine given to patients ages 6 mos-35 mos were recently recalled
- None of the Nasal Mist was recalled
- We are happy to say that we did not have these lots at Elm Street Pediatrics, so if you received the vaccine at our office, this does not affect your child!!
- In addition, please note: the recall did NOT happen because the vaccines were unsafe in any way, but rather due to questions of their effectiveness; thus, do not let this news worry you about the safety of the vaccines your child received
- As noted previously, we are currently offering booster doses for both the H1N1 and Seasonal Flu vaccines
- All children under age 10 are recommended to receive boosters of the H1N1 vaccine, ideally 4 weeks but as soon as 3 weeks after the first dose
- All children receiving the seasonal flu shot for the first time under age 9 are also recommended to get a booster shot at least 4 weeks following the first dose
- In order to make scheduling smoother and easier, please do NOT call to schedule the booster until your child is due to receive it... we cannot schedule all children for boosters several weeks in advance as our flu clinic schedules are not set that far ahead of time!!
- Thanks for your understanding with that issue!
- A reminder of our holiday hours:
- Thurday Dec 24 and Thursday Dec 31: 8:30 am-1:00 pm with walk-ins from 8:30-10 am
- Friday Dec 25 and Friday Jan 1: closed for holiday, but available via pager/ on-call as needed
- Saturday Dec 26 and Saturday Jan 2: open as regular Saturday hours starting at 9:00 am
Happy holidays!!
Stay Warm!!!